Protecting or Regaining Health
Joy is having healthful food, adequate shelter, family and friends --
and the opportunity to make a difference. Perhaps the information
here will be useful to you, which would make me very happy.
I only post research and sources that I am confident are accurate,
based on my decades of alternative health experience. As a teacher,
now retired, I saw how children fed the Standard American Diet could
not work and play fully, and suffered allergies, asthma, colds,
depression, flu, fatigue, impatience, obesity, poor memory, toothaches.
One school year, for nearly 6 months, about ¾ of my class ate sardines
every day (what a strange snack Ms. Ayers provided!), and they made
tremendous gains in health, behavior, and academic achievement.
(Click on the "Sardines" tab above for details.) Then I moved back to
Sonoma County and was never allowed to offer students sardines.
Weston A. Price, DDS, traveled the world for ten years to find study
and healthy, traditional cultures. While the foods were different in the
14 communities he found (including Polynesia, Africa, the Outer Hibrides,
a small valley in Switzerland, Northwest Native Americans in Washington
state, and more), there were commonalities:
• Fermented foods
• Organ meats, bone marrow, new life (bird eggs, insect larva)
• Plenty of animal fats (pastured butter, lard, etc.) and certain traditional
vegetable fats (coconut oil is key)
• Sea food (kelp & fish) for trace minerals, DHA-EPA, vitamins A, D, and K
• Sprouted and raw foods
• Very low sugar, and hardly any omega-6 oils (corn, soy, safflower, etc.)
Dr. Price published Nutrition and Physical Degeneration in 1948 and has
been pretty much ignored since then. Luckily, caring people have kept his
book, still valid, in print all this time. And for even easier access to Dr. Price's
information, Sally Fallon's encyclopedic Nourishing Traditions tells us how
to render lard, make crispy nuts, ferment anything, and why these are so
good for us.
Besides 'old fashioned' geopathic stress from underground water and
minerals, there are now many other hidden factors which undermine the
health of our family and friends:
• EMFs (ElectroMagnetic Frequencies) from cell phones and towers,
WiFi, and other electronics (click on "EMFs" tab above for more)
• Flame retardants in beds, furniture, pillows, vehicles ("Bromine" tab)
• Fluoridation, chlorination of water
• Food additives, preservatives, artificial colors
• Genetically modified organisms
• Nano technology
• Pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers
• Radiation (Fukushima, depleted uranium)
• Toxic metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, aluminum)
Buena Salud,
Lauren in Sonoma Valley
and the opportunity to make a difference. Perhaps the information
here will be useful to you, which would make me very happy.
I only post research and sources that I am confident are accurate,
based on my decades of alternative health experience. As a teacher,
now retired, I saw how children fed the Standard American Diet could
not work and play fully, and suffered allergies, asthma, colds,
depression, flu, fatigue, impatience, obesity, poor memory, toothaches.
One school year, for nearly 6 months, about ¾ of my class ate sardines
every day (what a strange snack Ms. Ayers provided!), and they made
tremendous gains in health, behavior, and academic achievement.
(Click on the "Sardines" tab above for details.) Then I moved back to
Sonoma County and was never allowed to offer students sardines.
Weston A. Price, DDS, traveled the world for ten years to find study
and healthy, traditional cultures. While the foods were different in the
14 communities he found (including Polynesia, Africa, the Outer Hibrides,
a small valley in Switzerland, Northwest Native Americans in Washington
state, and more), there were commonalities:
• Fermented foods
• Organ meats, bone marrow, new life (bird eggs, insect larva)
• Plenty of animal fats (pastured butter, lard, etc.) and certain traditional
vegetable fats (coconut oil is key)
• Sea food (kelp & fish) for trace minerals, DHA-EPA, vitamins A, D, and K
• Sprouted and raw foods
• Very low sugar, and hardly any omega-6 oils (corn, soy, safflower, etc.)
Dr. Price published Nutrition and Physical Degeneration in 1948 and has
been pretty much ignored since then. Luckily, caring people have kept his
book, still valid, in print all this time. And for even easier access to Dr. Price's
information, Sally Fallon's encyclopedic Nourishing Traditions tells us how
to render lard, make crispy nuts, ferment anything, and why these are so
good for us.
Besides 'old fashioned' geopathic stress from underground water and
minerals, there are now many other hidden factors which undermine the
health of our family and friends:
• EMFs (ElectroMagnetic Frequencies) from cell phones and towers,
WiFi, and other electronics (click on "EMFs" tab above for more)
• Flame retardants in beds, furniture, pillows, vehicles ("Bromine" tab)
• Fluoridation, chlorination of water
• Food additives, preservatives, artificial colors
• Genetically modified organisms
• Nano technology
• Pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers
• Radiation (Fukushima, depleted uranium)
• Toxic metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, aluminum)
Buena Salud,
Lauren in Sonoma Valley